5 reasons to consider a private tours in Hawaii A whole lot of exciting imaginative pictures come to mind when you think of Hawaii. Hawaii is the dream vacation spot for so many people due to the several fun attractions and lots of stories we’ve heard about Hawaii from others. Honolulu is a city steeped in a rich culture and history and is much …
Must things to do in Oahu
This is most popular tour in Oahu. You will see top scenic places, East Oahu to North Shore. You will see almost all beauty of Hawaii in one day. This is our Oahu circle island tour itinerary. Waialua Coffee Farm Dole Pineapple Plantation North Shore (turtle beach, …
2回続けてこんなブログを書くのも悲しいのですが、数日前に宿泊付きツアーをご予約いただいたゲストを迎えに行き、タンタラスへ向かった。本当は彼の希望としてはノースショアの私の自宅(宿泊)に行くまでにどこかでスキンダイビングをしたいとのことだったのですが、ハワイは車上荒らしが多いので、スーツケース、現金などなど丸ごと車に置いて海に行くのはちょっとリスクが大きすぎるなと思ったので、ビューポイントのみ何か所か止まり、ノースショアへ向かい、ノースショアで潜ろうとのプランへ変更。 ワイキキを通り、ダイヤモンドヘッドがどどーーんと見えるカピオラニ公園、カメハメハの像や全米で一つだけの宮殿イオラニパレス、そしてタンタラスへ、ここは車上荒らしが特に多いので私はビューポイントまで行かず車で待ったいますねといい …
Explore the other side of “Hawaii”
We often hear about the beautiful beaches, sparkling ocean, cool Hawaiian breezes and beauty, but rarely do we hear about the other side of Hawaii, vandalism and theft. I write this post not to scare or worry you, but inform you of real precautions to take while on the island of Oahu. Everyplace has their share of crime, but often times tourists …
日本領事館より。コピペ http://www.honolulu.us.emb-japan.go.jp/itpr_ja/whatsnew20180529.html ホノルル市内カカアコ地区に関する治安上の注意喚起 平成30年5月29日掲載 ハワイにお住まいの皆様及び旅行者の皆様へ 在ホノルル日本国総領事館 5月28日(月)昼頃,邦人旅行者家族がウォールアートで人気のあるカカアコ地区を訪問し,家族のうち2人が同地区内の公園の公衆トイレを使用しようとしたところ,トイレ内にいた違法薬物注射をまさに施用中であったと思われる複数の男らと鉢合わせとなり,歯を折るほど顔面を激しく殴打されたり,首を絞められて気絶させられる等の被害を受ける事案が発生しました。 カカアコ地区には多数のウォー …
Two days private tours in Oahu or Maui
Aloha Oe! Where are you planning your next vacation to? Have you thought about Hawaii? There are so many things do on the the islands. Immerse yourself in Nature walking, warm muddy hiking, shopping, local food, sandy beaches, or even kayaking or the new popular stand up paddle. Maybe you would like to learn how to surf? Or what about …
Our most popular private tour Oahu
Our Hawaii tour guide recommendation. This is Oahu most popular private tour. Book now Are you coming to Hawaii by cruise ship? Do you have only few days on Oahu? Are you not quite sure what you want to do or see in Hawaii? Is it anyone's first time in Hawaii in your group? Join us on what we call our Circle Island private tour! This private …
Hawaii Waikiki Spam Jam
Love SPAM? Then Enjoy Waikiki SPAM Jam! Waikiki Spam Jam is on April 28, 2018 from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm Did you know that Hawaii consumes more Spam than any state in our union — in total, 7 million cans a year. When you come to Hawaii, you will find lots of food with spam, including the famus Spam Musubi (rice ball with spam on top). We are …
Snorkeling private tour
Winter time in Hawaii is from about the middle of November to March. These months usually have high surf and the ocean conditions are not good for swimming. We understand that when you come to Hawaii, you are looking for adventures, including swimming and snorkeling in Hawaii's Pacific Ocean, as these are things which you cannot experience in …
Top Attractions On Maui
Like we said in our last post, all of the Hawaiian islands are uniquely beautiful places of themselves. Maui, Hawaii does not stop short in the beauty or activity department. In fact Maui has some of the best scenery intertwined with Old Hawaii culture, spectacular natural gardens & waterfalls, all laced with incredible Hawaiian sunshine! …